[print] name = Z-Hop 1mm defaultQuality = 8eNFm0Py1AbufWBA3dPsXJa4NVoEI0FK travelSpeedMin = 150 travelSpeedMax = 150 firstLayerSpeedMin = 10 firstLayerSpeedMax = 10 infillSpeedMin = 40 infillSpeedMax = 100 infillType = 0 innerPerimeterMin = 30 innerPerimeterMax = 80 outerPerimeterMin = 15 outerPerimeterMax = 60 printSpeedMin = 30 printSpeedMax = 60 nozzleDiameter = 0 gcodeFlavour = 0 retractionCombing = True multiVolumeOverlap = 0 cutOffObjectBottom = 0 shellThickness = 0.8 infillTopBottomThickness = 0.6 infillDensityPercent = 20 supportType = 0 platformAdhesion = 0 dualExtrusion = 0 wipeAndPrimeTower = True oozeShield = False enableRetraction = True retractionSpeed = 70 retractionDistance = 1.25 multiExtruderSwitchAmount = 16 startGCode = """ ; Default start code G28 ; Home extruder M107 ; Turn off fan G90 ; Absolute positioning M82 ; Extruder in absolute mode {IF_BED}M190 S{BED} ; Activate all used extruder {IF_EXT0}M104 T0 S{TEMP0} G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position M99 X0.165 Y0.01 Z0 E0 ; Apply machine specific backlash compensation (Nebarnix's SD3) G1 Z5 F200 ;move platform down so we don't collide G1 X184 Y184 F3000 ;move to back right corner G1 Z0 F200 ;move platform close to nozzle ; Wait for all used extruders to reach temperature {IF_EXT0}M109 T0 S{TEMP0} G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length G1 F200 E3 ;extrude 3mm of feed stock G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again G1 Z0 F200 ;kiss the bed M106 S255 ;Turn on the cooling motor to freeze the anchor G1 Z15 F300 ;move platform down 15mm G1 X175 Y175 F3000 ;move over a little to avoid hitting the anchor """ endGCode = """ ; Default end code ;G1 X0 Y0 Z130 ; Get extruder out of way. Uncomment to use! M107 ; Turn off fan ; Disable all extruder G91 ; Relative positioning {IF_EXT0}T0 {IF_EXT0}G1 E-1 ; Reduce filament pressure M104 T0 S0 G90 ; Absolute positioning G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position M140 S0 ; Disable heated bed M84 ; Turn steppers off """ preSwitchExtruderCode = postSwitchExtruderCode = wipeAndPrimeTowerVolume = 15 retractionMinimumTravel = 1 minimumExtrusionBeforeRetract = 0.02 zhop = 1 skirtLineCount = 1 skirtDistance = 3 skirtMinimumLength = 50 solidInfillTop = True solidInfillBottom = True infillOverlapPercent = 15 supportStructureType = 0 supportOverhang = 40 supportFillPercent = 15 supportDistanceXY = 0.6 supportDistanceZ = 0.15 supportExtruder = -1 spiralizeOuterContour = False brimWidth = 3 raftExtraMargin = 5 raftLineSpacing = 1 raftBaseThickness = 0.3 raftBaseWidth = 0.7 raftInterfaceThickness = 0.2 raftInterfaceLineWidth = 0.2 raftAirGap = 0 raftAirGapLayer0 = 0 raftSurfaceLayer = 1 fixCombineEverythingA = True fixCombineEverythingB = False fixKeepOpenFaces = False fixExtensiveStitching = True fanFullAtHeight = 0.5 minimumSpeed = 10 coolHeadLift = False numQuality = 3 skinSpeedMin = 30 skinSpeedMax = 60 combing = 1 perimeterBeforeInfill = True [quality_0] name = 0.1 mm signature = 8eNFm0Py1AbufWBA3dPsXJa4NVoEI0FK layerHeight = 0.1058 firstLayerHeight = 0.4 layer0widthPercent = 200 [quality_1] name = 0.2 mm signature = aP64qse3CwIOSTsistTmqglXNTGgwHJi layerHeight = 0.2046 firstLayerHeight = 0.4 layer0widthPercent = 200 [quality_2] name = 0.3 mm signature = ZPnJ5IJtIhRK8BDMAgsMq9jNcZRZUdo5 layerHeight = 0.2963 layer0widthPercent = 200 firstLayerHeight = 0.4