X AXIS G90 ;abs G1 X100 F200 G1 X110 F200 X-110 from Xmin (0) direction - dial 39.5 G1 X115 F200 G1 X110 F200 X-110 from Xmax (200) direction - dial 42.1 Difference is 2.6 thousands => 0.06604mm or 0.07mm rounded to 2 places Y AXIS G90 ;abs G1 Y175 F200 G1 Y165 F200 Y-165 from Ymax (200) direction - dial 4.6 G1 Y160 F200 G1 Y165 F200 Y-165 from Ymin (0) direction - dial -0.6 Difference is 5.2 thousands => 0.13208mm or 0.13mm rounded to 2 places Z AXIS G90 ;abs G1 Z100 F200 G1 Z91 F200 Z-from Zmax (200) direction - dial 86.5 G1 Z85 F200 G1 Z91 F200 Z- from Zmin (0) direction - dial 88.3 Difference is 1.8 thousands => 0.04572mm or 0.05mm rounded to 2 places Example command M99 X0.06 Y0.132 Z0.046 E0 ; X-TEST at slow speeds G1 X122 F2000 G1 X120.40 F2000 0.05 - 51.5 0.06 - 51.9 <-- 0.07 - 52 0.08 - 52 0.09 - 51.7 G1 X118 F2000 G1 X120.40 F2000 0.05 - 51.9 0.06 - 51.9 <-- 0.07 - 51.9 0.08 - 51.8 0.09 - 51.9 X-TEST at high speeds M99 X0.01 M99 Y0.105 Y-TEST at high speeds (higher) G1 y102 F2000 G1 y100 F2000 (lower) G1 y98 F2000 G1 y100 F2000