CM K6NA - 2 Element 80m Sloper CM Converted with 4nec2 on 22-apr-02 CE SY X=135 ft SY Y=64 ft SY Z=26 ft GW 1 11 0 -68 ft X Y -68 ft Z #12 GW 2 11 0 68 ft X Y 68 ft Z #12 GE 1 EX 0 1 6 00 1.0 0.0 EX 0 2 6 00 1.0 0.0 ' GN 2 0 0 0 13 .005 FR 0 1 0 0 3.8 EN 'Adding one element to a sloper increases gain in the useful range by about '4 db. There is still an insignificant F/B pattern, but improved side null. 'If two high supports exist for this antenna, it is more effective to erect 'a horizontal dipole at the same height, especially considering the reduction 'in received noise that would occur.