CM Equational model to calculate the perimeter length of a resonant quad loop. CM By L. B. Cebik, W4RNL ( CE SY Fr=14.1 ' Enter Desired Frequency in MHz SY WD=2.05232 ' Enter Wire Diameter in mm/inch/WL SY Hgh=0 '20 ' Enter Average Quad height above ground in meters (feet) SY Rat=1 ' Enter Length/height ratio for quad (square=1) SY Inp=mm ' Enable this line for diameter in mm 'SY Inp=in ' Enable this line for diameter in inch 'SY Inp=299.7925/Fr ' Enable this line for diameter in wavelengths SY D=(WD*Inp*FR)/299.7925 ' Get wire diameter in wavelengths SY L=.4343*LOG(D*10^5) SY LL=L^2, LM=LL*.0128 SY LN=LM+1.0413 ' Perimeter Length in Wavelengths SY Scal=1 ' Use this line if output dimensions in meters. 'SY Scal=ft ' Use this line if output dimensions in feet. SY WL=299.7925/(Scal*Fr) ' Wavelength in Meters/Feet SY PM=LN * WL ' Perimeter Length. SY Wr=D/2 * WL ' Wire radius. SY Lh= 1/2 * PM/(2+2*Rat) ' Horizontal half wire lenght SY Lv= Rat/2 * (PM/(2+2*Rat)) ' Vertical half wire length GW 1 11 0 -Lh HGH-Lv 0 Lh HGH-Lv Wr GW 2 11 0 Lh HGH-Lv 0 Lh HGH+Lv Wr GW 2 11 0 Lh HGH+Lv 0 -Lh HGH+Lv Wr GW 3 11 0 -Lh HGH+Lv 0 -Lh HGH-Lv Wr GS 0 0 Scal GE LD 5 0 0 0 58000000 ' Copper wire EX 0 1 6 0 1 0 'GN 2 0 0 0 13 0.005 FR 0 1 0 0 Fr 0 EN