CM Equational model to calculate the dimensions of a resonant square 3-element CM quad beam optimized for high gain. CM All equations calibrated to NEC antenna modeling software for wire diameters CM from 3.16E-5 to 1E-2 wavelengths within about 0.5% from 3.5 - 250 MHz. CM CE By L. B. Cebik, W4RNL ( SY Fr=14.175 ' Enter Desired Frequency in MHz. SY WD=1.62814 ' Enter Wire Diameter in mm/inch/WL. SY Hgh=0 ' Average Quad height above ground mtr (ft) SY Inp=mm ' Enable this line for diameter in mm 'SY Inp=in ' Enable this line for diameter in inch 'SY Inp=299.7925/Fr ' Enable this line for diameter in wavelengths SY D=(WD*Inp*FR)/299.7925 ' Get wire diameter in wavelengths SY L=.4342945*LOG(D*10^5) SY LL=L^2, LM=LL*.0128, LN=LM+1.0413, D1=.4342945*LOG(D) SY AD=.000266666667, BD=.00506666667, CD=.03633333333, DD=.1221904762, ED=1.183285714 SY DE=(AD*(D1^4))+(BD*(D1^3))+(CD*(D1^2))+(DD*D1)+ED SY AR=.0037333333333, BR=.05362962963, CR=.29275555556, DR=.7424529101, ER=1.814412698 SY RE=(AR*(D1^4))+(BR*(D1^3))+(CR*(D1^2))+(DR*D1)+ER SY AI=-.00266666667, BI=-.033244444444, CI=-.1550666667, DI=-.3222793651, EI=.7283809524 SY IR=(AI*(D1^4))+(BI*(D1^3))+(CI*(D1^2))+(DI*D1)+EI SY AS=.00033333333, BS=.004837037037, CS=.02552777778, DS=.05643756614, ES=.2191230159 SY SP=(AS*(D1^4))+(BS*(D1^3))+(CS*(D1^2))+(DS*D1)+ES SY AP=-.002333333333, BP=-.03128148148, CP=-.15586111111, DP=-.3417669312, EP=-.05499206349 SY IP=(AP*(D1^4))+(BP*(D1^3))+(CP*(D1^2))+(DP*D1)+EP SY Scal=1 ' Use this line if output dimensions in meters. 'SY Scal=ft ' Use this line if output dimensions in feet. SY WL=299.7925/(Scal*Fr) ' Wavelength in Meters/Feet SY Ds=DE/8 * WL ' Driver half side. SY Rs=RE/8 * WL ' Reflector half side. SY Rd=SP * WL ' Reflector-Driver Space. SY Is=IR/8 * WL ' Director half side. SY Id=IP * WL ' Director-Driver Space. SY Wr=D/2 * WL ' Wire radius. GW 1 11 0 -Ds HGH-Ds 0 Ds HGH-Ds Wr GW 2 11 0 Ds HGH-Ds 0 Ds HGH+Ds Wr GW 3 11 0 Ds HGH+Ds 0 -Ds HGH+Ds Wr GW 4 11 0 -Ds HGH+Ds 0 -Ds HGH-Ds Wr GW 11 11 -Rd -Rs HGH-Rs -Rd Rs HGH-Rs Wr GW 12 11 -Rd Rs HGH-Rs -Rd Rs HGH+Rs Wr GW 13 11 -Rd Rs HGH+Rs -Rd -Rs HGH+Rs Wr GW 14 11 -Rd -Rs HGH+Rs -Rd -Rs HGH-Rs Wr GW 21 11 Id -Is HGH-Is Id Is HGH-Is Wr GW 22 11 Id Is HGH-Is Id Is HGH+Is Wr GW 23 11 Id Is HGH+Is Id -Is HGH+Is Wr GW 24 11 Id -Is HGH+Is Id -Is HGH-Is Wr GS 0 0 Scal GE EK ' To allow more thick wires LD 5 0 0 0 58000000 ' Copper wire EX 0 1 6 0 1 0 'GN 2 0 0 0 13 0.005 ' Use this line if ground used FR 0 1 0 0 Fr 0 'CM Enable below SY lines to see some performance predictions. Use 'CM 'View->Symbol conversion (SHFT+Y)' on 'Geometry (F3)' window to 'CM see intermediate and resulting values ' 'SY AZ=4.4029, BZ=53.43954444, CZ=239.2408583, DZ=462.3614437, EZ=373.3035655 'SY ZR=(AZ*(D1^4))+(BZ*(D1^3))+(CZ*(D1^2))+(DZ*D1)+EZ ' Feedpoint imp. 'SY AG=-.15, BG=-1.768518519, CG=-7.763055556, DG=-14.78592593, EG=-.609722222 'SY GN=(AG*(D1^4))+(BG*(D1^3))+(CG*(D1^2))+(DG*D1)+EG ' Free space gain 'SY AW=.16666666667, BW=2.265925926, CW=11.706111111, DW=27.93058201, EW=28.88753968 'SY SW=(AW*(D1^4))+(BW*(D1^3))+(CW*(D1^2))+(DW*D1)+EW ' SWR 2:1 bandwidth 'SY AF=.11933333333, BF=1.671777778, CF=8.9885, DF=22.45931746, EF=23.68797619 'SY FB=(AF*(D1^4))+(BF*(D1^3))+(CF*(D1^2))+(DF*D1)+EF ' %BW for FB > 20 dB EN