CM High-Gain 3-Element Yagi Design, Enter Design Frequency and Element CM Diameter and set/select current units of measure. Model will calculate CM element lengths and spacing for ighest gain at 25-Ohms feed impedance CM and >24 dB F-B ratio. CM Element diameter range: 3E-4 to 1E-2 WL CM CE By L. B. Cebik, W4RNL ( SY Fr=14.05 '299.7925 ' Enter Desired Frequency in MHz. SY WD=10 ' Enter Wire Diameter in mm/inch/WL. SY Hgh=0 ' Average Quad height above ground mtr (ft) SY Inp=mm ' Enable this line for diameter in mm 'SY Inp=in ' Enable this line for diameter in inch 'SY Inp=299.7925/Fr ' Enable this line for diameter in wavelengths SY D=(WD*Inp*FR)/299.7925 ' Get wire diameter in wavelengths SY D1=LOG(D)/log(10), D4=D1^4, D3=D1^3,D2=D1^2 SY Rel=0.001832727273*D4+0.02234666667*D3+0.0992369697*D2+0.1852866667*D1+0.3655207792 SY Drl=0.00048484848*D4+0.004622222222*D3+0.01131757576*D2-0.0109784127*D1+0.1892897186 SY Dil=-0.001153939394*D4-0.01392*D3-0.06990969697*D2-0.1795228571*D1+0.03439935065 SY Red=0.004072727273*D4+0.0512*D3+0.2151636364*D2+0.3633428571*D1+0.3779707792 sy Did=0.01599030303*D4+0.17552*D3+0.6966248485*D2+1.18900619*D1+1.082928896-Red SY Scal=1 ' Use this line if output dimensions in meters. 'SY Scal=ft ' Use this line if output dimensions in feet. SY WL=299.7925/(Scal*Fr) ' Wavelength in Meters/Feet SY Refl=Rel*WL ' Reflector half length. SY Dril=Drl*WL ' Driver half length. SY Dirl=Dil*WL ' Director half side. SY Refd=Red*WL ' Reflector distance SY Dird=Did*WL ' Director distance SY Wr=D/2 * WL ' Wire radius. GW 1 11 0 -Dril Hgh 0 Dril Hgh Wr 'Driver GW 2 11 -Refd -Refl Hgh -Refd Refl Hgh Wr 'Reflector GW 2 11 Dird -Dirl Hgh Dird Dirl Hgh Wr 'Director GS 0 0 Scal GE EK LD 5 0 0 0 58000000 ' Copper wire EX 0 1 6 0 1 0 'GN 2 0 0 0 13 0.005 ' Use this line if ground used FR 0 1 0 0 Fr 0 EN