CM Comments: CM A 5 element 40 mtr W I R E B E A M - MMANA- design from - P A 2 A W U - CM CM Use a FOLDED DIPOLE for a feed impedance of 50 Ohm. In abt 3 month time, CM I designed this antenna. We intend to use it in the CQWW SSB 2003 contest. CM CM Use a 1:1 BALUN for 50 Ohm symmetric to 50 Ohm koaxial cable. CM I found this excellent Balun design in a German book,(THAT'S A MUST!): CM Title: Kurze Antennen CM Sub title: Entwurf und Berechnung verkurzter Sende- und Empfangsantennen. CM Author: Prof. Dr. Gerd Janzen CM Printed: Stuttgart: Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung 1986 CM CM Here you find how he (and I) made it: CM On the place, 2.60 meter from the end of the used koaxial cable, CM scrap off just a small piece of the PVC mantle (.5 cm). Here you solder CM one end of a 2.60 meter long, 2 mm massive(=best), or flexible, copper wire. CM Make 7! clockwise windings in the koaxial cable and 7! anti-clockwise CM windings in the 2 mm wire. (Coil-diameter will be abt 11.5 cm). CM CM Measured SWR:(antenna analyser: HF 65 from AEA) 1:1 (50 Ohm). CM CM pse let me know abt comments and results, or if you need more info! CM CM Arend, PA2AWU, Member of the - P A 6 Z - contest group; Zutphen, The Netherlands. CM CM 5 el wb 55.8 Ohm jX=1.5 SWR=1.12 Ga=12.42 dBi F/B=60.96 dB hi CE CM 55.8 Ohm jX=1.5 SWR=1.12 Ga=12.42 dBi F/B=60.9 dB (MMana) hi CM 55.6 Ohm jX=1.3 SWR=1.11, Ga=13.11 dBi F/B=42.7 dB Eff=83% (4Nec2, len=9.20) CM 55.2 Ohm jX=5.8 SWR=1.16, Ga=13.11 dBi F/B=42.3 dB Eff=83% (4Nec2, len=9.18) CE 'sy len=9.18 ' Original PA2AWU lenght sy len=9.20 ' New length for resonance sy dl=0.4 ' Distance between folded lines GW 2 40 0 -len 15.55-dl 0 0 20-dl .00085 GW 3 40 0 0 20-dl 0 len 15.55-dl .00085 GW 14 40 0.0 0.0 20.0 0.0 -len 15.55 .00085 GW 15 40 0.0 0.0 20.0 0.0 len 15.55 .00085 GW 16 2 0.0 -len 15.55-dl 0.0 -len 15.55 .00085 GW 17 2 0.0 len 15.55-dl 0.0 len 15.55 .00085 sy ref=9.36 GW 4 11 -8.78 0.0 20.0 -8.78 -ref 15.0 .00085 GW 5 11 -8.78 0.0 20.0 -8.78 ref 15.0 .00085 SY D1L=9.24 GW 6 10 5.59 0.0 20.0 5.59 -D1L 15.5 .00085 GW 7 10 5.59 0.0 20.0 5.59 D1L 15.5 .00085 SY D2L=8.84 GW 8 10 20.75 0.0 20.0 20.75 -D2L 15.5 .00085 GW 9 10 20.75 0.0 20.0 20.75 D2L 15.5 .00085 SY D3L=8.17 GW 10 10 36.02 0.0 20.0 36.02 -D3L 15.5 .00085 GW 11 10 36.02 0.0 20.0 36.02 D3L 15.5 .00085 GW 12 10 36.41 0.0 0.0 36.41 0.0 20.0 .065 ' Mast 1 GW 13 10 -9.07 0.0 0.0 -9.07 0.0 20.0 .065 ' Mast 2 GE 1 EX 0 2 40 0 1 0 EX 0 3 1 0 1 0 LD 5 0 0 0 57471264 GN 2 0 0 0 13 0.005 0.0 0.0 FR 0 1 0 0 7.065 1 EN