CM Unwin 2 reflector beam. CM This is a 2 reflector Yagi design by Art Unwin, KB9MZ. The CM second reflector allows simultaneous impedance match and CM good front/back ratio. Similar performance might be CM achievable with a single reflector and matching network, CM but this approach might also have some benefits with regard CM to bandwidth of the match and/or front/back ratio. CM In practice, small imperfections in the antenna and CM environment are likely to reduce the front/back ratio CM somewhat from the value reported by the program. CM The description of this antenna was posted on the CM newsgroup by Art on about Sept. CM 2, 2000. CE GW 1 11 -208.89 206.226 820 -208.89 -206.226 820 0.015 GW 2 10 -64.353 200.654 820 -64.353 -200.654 820 0.025 GW 3 10 62.1524 195.401 820 62.1524 -195.401 820 0.015 GW 4 11 -80.4444 205.966 820 -80.4446 -205.966 820 0.025 GW 5 9 626.15 182.195 820 626.15 -182.195 820 0.015 GW 6 9 192.39 182.742 820 192.39 -182.742 820 0.015 GW 7 9 236.23 181.633 820 236.23 -181.633 820 0.015 GW 8 9 122.82 182.329 820 122.82 -182.329 820 0.01 GW 9 10 353.2 185.816 820 353.2 -185.816 820 0.01 GW 10 10 383 187.242 820 383 -187.242 820 0.01 GW 11 10 89.5709 185.954 820 89.5709 -185.954 820 0.01 GW 12 11 -174.392 207.133 820 -174.392 -207.133 820 0.025 GW 13 10 -18.7345 197.701 820 -18.7345 -197.701 820 0.01 GS 0 0 0.0254 ' All in inch. GE 0 EK EX 6 4 6 0 1 0 GN -1 FR 0 1 0 0 14.2 0 EN