CM Modified Unwin beam. CM This is the Unwin beam of, but modified by CM removing one reflector and readjusting the remaining CM reflector. It exhibits very high front/back ratio, but only CM over a fairly narrow frequency range. The feedpoint CM resistance is also much smaller than that of the original CM two-refelector design Only a few minutes were CM spent adjusting the reflector; better optimization in one CM respect or another could probably be made. CM In practice, small imperfections in the antenna and CM environment are likely to reduce the front/back ratio CM somewhat from the value reported by the program. CM See antenna notes for Unwin1 for more information. CE GW 1 10 -21.5 199.8 820 -21.5 -199.8 820 0.025 GW 2 10 62.1524 195.401 820 62.1524016 -195.401 820 0.015 GW 3 11 -80.4444 205.966 820 -80.44437 -205.966 820 0.025 GW 4 9 626.15 182.195 820 626.15 -182.195 820 0.015 GW 5 9 192.39 182.742 820 192.39 -182.742 820 0.015 GW 6 9 236.23 181.633 820 236.23 -181.633 820 0.015 GW 7 9 122.82 182.329 820 122.82 -182.329 820 0.01 GW 8 10 353.2 185.816 820 353.2 -185.816 820 0.01 GW 9 10 383 187.242 820 383 -187.242 820 0.01 GW 10 10 89.5709 185.954 820 89.5709 -185.954 820 0.01 GW 11 11 -174.392 207.133 820 -174.392 -207.133 820 0.025 GW 12 10 -18.7345 197.701 820 -18.7345 -197.701 820 0.01 GS 0 0 0.0254 ' All in in. GE 0 EK EX 6 3 6 0 1 0 GN -1 FR 0 1 0 0 14.2 0 EN