CE Broadside Array (Stacked Dipoles) GW 1 11 0 -100.5 -136 0 100.5 -136 .04 '#12 GW 2 11 0 -100.5 136 0 100.5 136 .04 '#12 GS 0 0 in GE 0 EX 0 1 6 00 1.0 0.0 EX 0 2 6 00 1.0 0.0 ' GN -1 FR 0 1 0 0 28.5 EN 'this simple antenna provides good bidirectional gain over a dipole without 'narrowing the azimuth pattern. This is a big advantage when a fixed array is 'used to provide coverage over a wide azimuth angle. However, at the lower 'frequencies the upper dipole must be very high if the lower dipole is to be 'much above ground level. Note the nice match to 50 ohms at each feedpoint. 'This permits a simple feed system using 3/4-wave 75-ohm coax sections. When 'the sections are fed in parallel, a 50-ohm feedpoint results.