CM HRS 4/4/1.0 curtain array used by Nozema at Zeewolde CM for broadcasting of Radio Netherlands (RNW). CM TL lengths set for 30 degree slew angle. CM GX card used to improve calculation time. CM Arie. CE ' 'SY Freq=15, WL=299.8/Freq SY Freq=7.1, WL=299.8/Freq SY Rows=4, Cols=4 ' HRS 4/4/1.0 SY Dlen=WL/2 ' Dipole length SY Hdlt=WL/2 ' Vertical distance between dipoles SY Dofs=0.5 ' Horizontal space between nearby dipole ends SY Hmin=WL ' Lower dipole height ' 'GW 101 11 0 0 0 Dlen 0 0 0.2 ' Single wire Dipole SY a=dlen/40, b=dlen/2 GW 101 1 b-a/2 0 0 b+a/2 0 0 1e-3 ' Cage dipole, EX segm ' GW 102 5 0 0 a b-2*a 0 a 1e-3 ' left half GW 103 1 b-2*a 0 a b-a/2 0 0 1e-3 ' down segm to EX GW 104 1 b+a/2 0 0 b+2*a 0 a 1e-3 ' up segm from EX GW 105 5 b+2*a 0 a 2*b 0 a 1e-3 ' right half GM 104 5 60 0 0 0 0 0 102 ' Create 6 wire cage ' GM 0 0 0 0 0 dofs 0 Hmin 0 ' Move 'dofs' to the right GM 50 Rows-1 0 0 0 0 0 Hdlt 0 ' Create 4 rows GM 200 Cols/2-1 0 0 0 Dlen+3*Dofs 0 0 0 ' Cols/2 ' Create half the cols ' SY Rcnt = 40 ' Nr of Reflector wires SY Rdst = -WL/4 ' Distance from dipoles sy Rwdx=0.137*WL, Rhgx=WL/5 ' eXtra width and height for reflector SY Rwdt=Cols/2*Dlen+(Cols-1)*Dofs+Rwdx ' Get total reflector width SY Rmin=Hmin-Rhgx, Rmax=Hmin+(Rows-1)*Hdlt+Rhgx ' Get reflector min and max height SY Rdlt=(Rmax-Rmin)/(Rcnt-1) ' Distance between reflector wires GW 1000 15 0 Rdst Rmin Rwdt Rdst Rmin .005 ' One Reflector wire GM 1 Rcnt-1 0 0 0 0 0 Rdlt 1000 ' Create 'Rcnt' wires GW 3 1 b+dofs-a/2 0.0 5+a/2 b+dofs+a/2 0.0 5-a/2 0.001 ' first TL segments GW 4 1 3*(b+dofs)+a/2 0.0 5+a/2 3*(b+dofs+a/2) 0.0 5-a/2 0.001 ' second TL segment GW 5 1 0.0 0.0 5+a/2 2*a/2 0.0 5-a/2 0.001 ' EX segment CM Length L in mtr. = 52 ' Towers, just for fun. CM Radius R1 in cm. = 200, R2 in cm. = 100 ' Created with build.exe CM Start angle A1 = 0, Stop angle A2 = 360 CM Straight sections = 3, Circular sections = 4, Radial sections = 1 SY rt = 0.1 ' Radius towerlegs SY S = 15/freq ' Tower Scaling (original was created for 15 Mhz HRS441) CE GW 2500 9 2*S 0*S 3*S 1.66*S 0*S 20.33*S rt GW 2501 9 1.66*S 0*S 20.33*S 1.33*S 0*S 37.66*S rt GW 2502 9 1.33*S 0*S 37.66*S 1*S 0*S 55*S rt GW 2503 9 0*S 2*S 3*S 0*S 1.66*S 20.33*S rt GW 2504 9 0*S 1.66*S 20.33*S 0*S 1.33*S 37.66*S rt GW 2505 9 0*S 1.33*S 37.66*S 0*S 1*S 55*S rt GW 2506 9 -2*S 0*S 3*S -1.66*S 0*S 20.33*S rt GW 2507 9 -1.66*S 0*S 20.33*S -1.33*S 0*S 37.66*S rt GW 2508 9 -1.33*S 0*S 37.66*S -1*S 0*S 55*S rt GW 2509 9 0*S -2*S 3*S 0*S -1.66*S 20.33*S rt GW 2510 9 0*S -1.66*S 20.33*S 0*S -1.33*S 37.66*S rt GW 2511 9 0*S -1.33*S 37.66*S 0*S -1*S 55*S rt GW 2512 3 2*S 0*S 3*S 0*S 2*S 3*S rt GW 2513 3 0*S 2*S 3*S -2*S 0*S 3*S rt GW 2514 3 -2*S 0*S 3*S 0*S -2*S 3*S rt GW 2515 3 0*S -2*S 3*S 2*S 0*S 3*S rt GW 2516 3 1.66*S 0*S 20.33*S 0*S 1.66*S 20.33*S rt GW 2517 3 0*S 1.66*S 20.33*S -1.66*S 0*S 20.33*S rt GW 2518 3 -1.66*S 0*S 20.33*S 0*S -1.66*S 20.33*S rt GW 2519 3 0*S -1.66*S 20.33*S 1.66*S 0*S 20.33*S rt GW 2520 3 1.33*S 0*S 37.66*S 0*S 1.33*S 37.66*S rt GW 2521 3 0*S 1.33*S 37.66*S -1.33*S 0*S 37.66*S rt GW 2522 3 -1.33*S 0*S 37.66*S 0*S -1.33*S 37.66*S rt GW 2523 3 0*S -1.33*S 37.66*S 1.33*S 0*S 37.66*S rt GW 2524 1 1*S 0*S 55*S 0*S 1*S 55*S rt GW 2525 1 0*S 1*S 55*S -1*S 0*S 55*S rt GW 2526 1 -1*S 0*S 55*S 0*S -1*S 55*S rt GW 2527 1 0*S -1*S 55*S 1*S 0*S 55*S rt GW 2528 2 2*S 0*S 3*S 2*S 0*S 0*S rt GW 2539 2 0*S 2*S 3*S 0*S 2*S 0*S rt GW 2530 2 -2*S 0*S 3*S -2*S 0*S 0*S rt GW 2531 2 0*S -2*S 3*S 0*S -2*S 0*S rt GM 0 0 0 0 0 1.15*Rwdt Rdst/2 0 2500 ' Shift tower to the left GX 500 100 ' Mirror the whole in YZ plane. 'GS 0 0 2 GE 1 LD 5 0 0 0 5.8e7 ' All copper. EK 'SY sg=6 ' For single wire dipoles SY sg=1 ' For cage dipoles TL 451 sg 401 sg -50 WL/2 TL 351 sg 301 sg -50 WL/2 TL 251 sg 201 sg -50 WL/2 TL 151 sg 101 sg -50 WL/2 TL 401 sg 351 sg -50 WL/2 TL 201 sg 151 sg -50 WL/2 TL 951 sg 901 sg -50 WL/2 TL 851 sg 801 sg -50 WL/2 TL 751 sg 701 sg -50 WL/2 TL 651 sg 601 sg -50 WL/2 TL 901 sg 851 sg -50 WL/2 TL 701 sg 651 sg -50 WL/2 TL 801 sg 504 1 50 WL/2 TL 601 sg 503 1 50 WL/2 TL 301 sg 4 1 50 WL/2 TL 101 sg 3 1 50 WL/2 SY dl1 = 295.7 '252.9 ' Length in degrees TL 4 1 3 1 -50 dl1*WL/360 SY dl2 = 231.4 '184.7 TL 3 1 5 1 50 dl2*WL/360 SY dl3 = 106.1 '141.8 TL 504 1 503 1 -50 dl3*WL/360 SY dl4 = 151.7 '157.2 TL 503 1 505 1 50 dl4*WL/360 EX 0 5 1 00 1 0 EX 0 505 1 00 -1 0 GN 2 0 0 0 13 0.005 FR 0 1 0 0 Freq EN