CM Lazy H, bu K6STI CE SY half = 207 in GW 1 11 0 -half 0 0 0 0 #12 GW 2 11 6in 0 0 6in half 0 #12 GW 3 11 6in -half half 6in 0 half #12 GW 4 11 0 0 half 0 half half #12 GW 5 11 0 0 0 0 0 half #12 GW 6 11 6in 0 0 6in 0 half #12 GW 7 1 0 0 0 6in 0 0 #12 GE 0 EX 0 7 1 00 1.0 0.0 ' GN -1 FR 0 1 0 0 28.5 EN 'This antenna provides bidirectional gain. part of the gain is provided by 'broadside elements sharpening the pattern in the vertical plane. The rest 'comes from collinear elements narrowing the pattern in azimuth. For 1 dB more 'gain, increase the spacing between the top and bottom sets of elements to about '0.65 wavelength and feed the elements in-phase with individual feedlines. 'Half-wave spacing is necessary for the transposed phasing-line arrangement used 'in this model.