CM Trough Reflector by KE7PHI CM forw:-90, 180 ; back:-90, 360 CE SY B=17.12951 'dipole to reflector distance SY RWIRE = #8 'Rod used for dipole radiator SY q=50 'Height of the central reflector SY DE=6.603412 'Length of the dipole SY w=60 'Width of the reflector SY C=35.35 'Forward distance of the front reflector edges GW 1 11 B -DE 0 B DE 0 RWIRE SM 12 12 0 -w/2 -q/2 0 w/2 -q/2 SC 0 0 0 w/2 q/2 SM 12 12 0 -w/2 q/2 0 w/2 q/2 SC 0 0 C w/2 q/2+c SM 12 12 0 w/2 -q/2 0 -w/2 -q/2 SC 0 0 C -w/2 -q/2-c GS 0 0 0.0254 GE 0 LD 5 0 0 0 37700000 GN -1 EK EX 0 1 6 0 1.0 0 FR 0 0 0 0 432 0 PQ -1 PT -1 RP,0,37,73,1003,-180,0,5,5