CM G5RV Multiband Antenna CM Converted from AO to 4nec2 format on 22-apr-02 CE GW 1 31 0 -51 ft 0 0 51 ft 0 #12 GE 0 EX 0 1 16 00 1.0 0.0 ' GN -1 FR 0 1 0 0 14.2 EN 'Even using the recommended 34-foot open-wire matching section, the designer 'states that an antenna tuner is necessary for all-band operation. AO confirms 'some pretty wild input impedances. The radiation pattern on each band is just 'what you would expect for a center-fed wire of this length: Dipole-like on the 'lower bands, cloverleaf-shaped on the higher. All in all, this popular antenna 'does not seem to possess any special properties, operating like any ordinary, 'random-length center-fed wire.