CM 15mQuad CM The dimensions for this 15 meter quad, modeled in free CM space, come from the ARRL ANTENNA BOOK, 15th ed., p. 12-2. CM The design is attributed to W7ZQ. NEC reports an accurate CM forward gain and front/back ratio. If you've been using CM ELNEC or other MININEC-based program, you've seen that they CM give an inaccurate front/back ratio for this antenna. CE sy len=1.8541 GW 0 7 0.0 -len -len 0.0 len -len 0.00115 GW 0 7 0.0 len -len 0.0 len len 0.00115 GW 0 7 0.0 len len 0.0 -len len 0.00115 GW 0 7 0.0 -len len 0.0 -len -len 0.00115 sy ref=1.8035 GW 1 7 3.048 -ref -ref 3.048 ref -ref 0.00115 GW 0 7 3.048 ref -ref 3.048 ref ref 0.00115 GW 0 7 3.048 ref ref 3.048 -ref ref 0.00115 GW 0 7 3.048 -ref ref 3.048 -ref -ref 0.00115 GE 0 EX 6 1 4 0 1 0 GN -1 FR 0 1 0 0 21.2 EN