CM 4-square array w/feed system, converted with 4nec2 on 29-Mar-06 22:08 CM CM This model uses EZNEC's transmission line models for the CM feed system. Note that the lengths aren't anything like CM you'd expect. This is because the delay in a transmission CM line isn't equal to its electrical length except in special CM circumstances -- circumstances which don't occur in most CM phased arrays. To see where these feedline lengths came CM from, see "The Simplest Phased Array Feed System . . That CM Works" in the ARRL Antenna Compendium, Vol. 2. CM If you do a comparison with the 4Square model, you'll find CM a little difference. This is because the elements in the CM 4Square model aren't quite self-resonant and they're not CM spaced quite exactly a quarter wave apart. (The feed system CM was designed for those conditions.) If you delete three of CM the elements and adjust the length of the fourth to make it CM resonant (zero feedpoint reactance), then change the CM lengths of all elements to this new length, and you adjust CM the spacing to exactly 1/4 wavelength, you'll find very CM good agreement with the 4SQUARE model. This illustrates how CM touchy this array is. CM As it stands, the model isn't good for testing the feed CM system over a range of frequencies. This is because the CM feedline lengths are specified in degrees, rather than CM feet. This makes the lines magic, because they keep the CM same electrical length regardless of frequency. To make a CM realistic frequency-dependent model, you'd have to specify CM the transmission line lengths in feet. CE sy len=32.75 GW 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 len 0.0625 GW 2 6 0 34.42 0 0 34.42 len 0.0625 GW 3 6 34.42 0 0 34.42 0 len 0.0625 GW 4 6 34.42 34.42 0 34.42 34.42 len 0.0625 GW 5 1 17 0 0.01 17 0.2 0.01 4.16667e-4 GW 6 1 0 17 0.01 0.2 17 0.01 4.16667e-4 GW 7 1 17 17 0.01 17 17.2 0.01 4.16667e-4 GS 0 0 0.3048 ' All in ft. GE 1 TL 5 1 1 1 50 10.4822538 TL 5 1 4 1 50 31.4467613 TL 6 1 2 1 50 10.4822538 TL 6 1 3 1 50 10.4822538 TL 5 1 7 1 75 3.65364789 TL 6 1 7 1 75 20.2260914 EX 6 7 1 0 1 0 GN 3 0 0 0 13 5.e-3 FR 0 1 0 0 7.15 0 EN