CM Field Day Special (Jun 84 QST), converted with 4nec2 on 29-Mar-06 22:08 CM CM A personal favorite, the "Field Day Special" has been built CM on several bands and accounts well for itself from the home CM QTH as well as on Field Day. It was described in June, 1984 CM QST. The elements are folded dipoles made from twinlead, CM connected by a half-twisted twinlead "phasing line". The CM elements are modeled as ordinary dipoles with a diameter CM equivalent to the effective diameter of the two-conductor CM twinlead. This is valid since the radiation properties of CM ordinary and folded dipoles are identical -- only the CM feedpoint impedance is affected by the "folding" process, CM and only the pattern is being modeled here. The program CM used to design the original antenna wasn't entirely CM accurate so the element currents reported in QST weren't CM quite correct. The source currents in the model are the CM currents actually measured on the elements of a Field Day CM Special built to the dimensions shown in the QST article. CM This antenna has a respectable gain at low angles, a good CM f/b ratio, and a broad forward lobe. It's also quite CM forgiving. Constructed from twinlead, the input SWR is near CM unity. You can download the program used to design the CM "Field Day Special" from CM It would be difficult to model this using transmission CM lines because the elements are both transmission lines and CM radiators. Another problem is that the insulation makes the CM radiating portion appear about 3% longer while making the CM transmission line about 20% longer to the differential CM transmission line currents. CE sy len=16.041 sy dst=8.479 GW 1 11 0 len 40 0 -len 40 6.03675e-3 GW 2 11 -dst len 40 -dst -len 40 6.03675e-3 GS 0 0 0.3048 ' All in ft. GE 0 EX 6 1 6 0 1 0 sy cur=1.017, pha=145 '130.6 EX 6 2 6 0 cur*cos(pha) cur*sin(pha) GN 2 0 0 0 13 5.e-3 FR 0 1 0 0 14.1 0 EN