CM 17-10m Log Per - ARRL Ant Book, converted with 4nec2 on 29-Mar-06 22:08 CM LogPer (with warnings) CM This is an example of a three-band 17m-10m log periodic CM antenna from the ARRL ANTENNA BOOK, 16th Edition, p. 10-6. CM Look at this antenna with the View Antenna display, using CM the zoom and offset features to see the details. This CM method of construction, with one transmission line CM conductor above the other, frequently is used for VHF and CM UHF log periodic antennas. Note the feedpoint. The source CM is necessarily on a wire which is much shorter than the CM 0.02 wavelength minimum recommended for wires containing a CM source. In addition, the source is close to multiple wire CM junctions and to connections to wires of different CM diameters, both of which are difficult for NEC-2 in the CM vicinity of sources. Run a second 3D far-field request, CM select the average-gain option and notice the Average Gain CM reported on the 'Main (F2)' window. The Average Gain of CM -1.7 dB (-0.74 dB when using the NEC-4 engine) CM shows that source placement is a problem. Experimentation CM shows that lengthening wires 23 and 24, which moves the CM source farther from the multiple wire element junction, CM improves the average gain. However, the transmission line CM formed by these two wires has an impedance of more than 400 CM ohms, so the impedance match will be degraded as the wires CM are lengthened. CM This illustrates the difficulty of accurately modeling this CM type of antenna, but also the usefulness of the Average CM Gain feature. Notice that the maximum antenna gain is 3.05 CM dBi and Average Gain is -1.69 dB. (With NEC-4, 3.96 dBi and CM -0.74 dB respectively.) The corrected gain is then 3.05 CM - (-1.7) = 4.75 dBi. This compares very favorably with CM LogPerTL's reported gain of 4.69 dBi (with Average Gain of CM -0.01 dB). CM The design feedpoint impedance of this antenna is 200 ohms, CM so it would normally be fed from a 50 ohm system through a CM 4:1 transformer. To see what the SWR would be on the 50 ohm CM line when fed this way, select the alternate Z0 of 200 CM ohms. An SWR sweep shows that the SWR of this antenna is CM high at 18 MHz, although the ANTENNA BOOK design indicates CM that it should work at this frequency. Not having built and CM measured an actual antenna, the cause of the discrepancy CM remains unknown. CM See the Antenna file for additional information. CE GW 1 8 0 -163.46 -1.2 0 0 -1.2 0.625 GW 2 8 0 0 1.2 0 163.46 1.2 0.625 GW 3 8 39.23 -130.76 1.2 39.23 0 1.2 0.5 GW 4 8 39.23 0 -1.2 39.23 130.76 -1.2 0.5 GW 5 8 70.62 -104.62 -1.2 70.62 0 -1.2 0.375 GW 6 8 70.62 0 1.2 70.62 104.62 1.2 0.375 GW 7 8 95.72 -83.69 1.2 95.72 0 1.2 0.3125 GW 8 8 95.72 0 -1.2 95.72 83.69 -1.2 0.3125 GW 9 8 115.81 -66.95 -1.2 115.81 0 -1.2 0.25 GW 10 8 115.81 0 1.2 115.81 66.95 1.2 0.25 GW 11 3 0 0 -1.2 39.23 0 -1.2 0.04040404 GW 12 3 39.23 0 -1.2 70.62 0 -1.2 0.04040404 GW 13 3 70.62 0 -1.2 95.72 0 -1.2 0.04040404 GW 14 3 95.72 0 -1.2 115.81 0 -1.2 0.04040404 GW 15 3 0 0 1.2 39.23 0 1.2 0.04040404 GW 16 3 39.23 0 1.2 70.62 0 1.2 0.04040404 GW 17 3 70.62 0 1.2 95.72 0 1.2 0.04040404 GW 18 3 95.72 0 1.2 115.81 0 1.2 0.04040404 GW 19 1 120 0 -1.2 120 0 1.2 0.04040404 GW 20 1 0 0 -1.2 -6 0 -1.2 0.04040404 GW 21 1 0 0 1.2 -6 0 1.2 0.04040404 GW 22 1 -6 0 -1.2 -6 0 1.2 0.04040404 GW 23 1 115.81 0 -1.2 120 0 -1.2 0.04040404 GW 24 1 115.81 0 1.2 120 0 1.2 0.04040404 GS 0 0 in ' All in inch. GE 0 EX 6 19 1 0 1 0 GN -1 ' Free space FR 0 1 0 0 21 0 EN