CM 17-10m Log Per - ARRL Ant Book, converted with 4nec2 on 29-mrt-06 14:37 CM LogPerTL CM This is the same antenna as LogPer but using transmission CM line models for the interelement feed. It shows quite a bit CM more gain than LogPer at the example frequency. After CM running this model, note the maximum gain. Then run again CM with average gain test and note that Average Gain is very close CM to 1 (0 dB). This indicates a good source placement, unlike CM the LogPer model. CM See the LogPer.Nec file for interesting information about the CM comparison and the value of the Average Gain feature. CE GW 1 17 0 -163.46 0 0 163.46 0 0.625 GW 2 17 39.23 -130.76 0 39.23 130.76 0 0.5 GW 3 17 70.62 -104.62 0 70.62 104.62 0 0.375 GW 4 17 95.72 -83.69 0 95.72 83.69 0 0.3125 GW 5 17 115.81 -66.95 0 115.81 66.95 0 0.25 GW 9005 1 0 -9.6152941 -6 0 9.61529412 -6 0.625 GS 0 0 0.0254 ' All in in. GE 0 TL 1 9 2 9 -490 0 TL 2 9 3 9 -490 0 TL 3 9 4 9 -490 0 TL 4 9 5 9 -490 0 TL 1 9 9005 1 490 0.1524 0 0 1.e12 EX 6 5 9 0 1 0 GN -1 FR 0 1 0 0 21 0 EN