CM NBS Yagi (ANT. BOOK p. 18-7), converted with 4nec2 on 29-mrt-06 14:37 CM NBSYagi CM This is a good test of program operation. The National CM Bureau of Standards carefully built and measured several CM Yagi antennas. This is a 50 MHz one, with dimensions from CM the ARRL Antenna Book. CE sy ref=57.5 'Reflector length sy dis=47.15 'Reflector/director distance GW 1 11 -dis -ref 0 -dis ref 0 0.25 sy len=54.875 'Radiator lenght GW 2 11 0 -len 0 0 len 0 0.25 sy dir=54.313 'Director length GW 3 11 dis -dir 0 dis dir 0 0.25 GS 0 0 0.0254 ' All in in. GE 0 EX 6 2 6 0 1 0 GN -1 FR 0 1 0 0 50.1 0 EN