Photoplotter Info File: C:/Program Files/EAGLE-5.2.0/projects/Ginger V1.1 DB/Ginger Prime/Ginger Prime.gpi

 Date              :  2/06/2009 07:02:47p
 Plotfile          : C:/Program Files/EAGLE-5.2.0/projects/Ginger V1.1 DB/Ginger Prime/Ginger Prime.sts
 Apertures         : generated: 
 Device            : Gerber photoplotter with RS-274-X aperture generation

Parameter settings:

 Emulate Apertures : no
 Emulate Thermal   : no
 Emulate Annulus   : no
 Tolerance Draw  + :  0.00 %
 Tolerance Draw  - :  0.00 %
 Tolerance Flash + :  0.00 %
 Tolerance Flash - :  0.00 %
 Rotate            : no
 Mirror            : no
 Optimize          : yes
 Auto fit          : yes
 OffsetX           : 0inch
 OffsetY           : 0inch

Plotfile Info:

 Coordinate Format : 2.4
 Coordinate Units  : Inch
 Data Mode         : Absolute
 Zero Suppression  : None
 End Of Block      : *

Apertures used:

 Code     Shape     Size                  used

 D10      round     0.1261inch               7
 D11      rectangle 0.0945inch x 0.0217inch     2
 D12      rectangle 0.0217inch x 0.0512inch     2
 D13      rectangle 0.0450inch x 0.0190inch    10
 D14      rectangle 0.0190inch x 0.0450inch    10
 D15      rectangle 0.0552inch x 0.0198inch    28
 D16      rectangle 0.0552inch x 0.0474inch     4
 D17      rectangle 0.0450inch x 0.0330inch    20
 D18      rectangle 0.0330inch x 0.0450inch    18
 D19      square    0.0316inch              14
 D20      rectangle 0.0336inch x 0.0356inch    10
 D21      rectangle 0.0474inch x 0.0237inch    10
 D22      rectangle 0.0680inch x 0.0780inch     2
 D23      rectangle 0.0780inch x 0.0680inch     2
 D24      round     0.0552inch               8
 D25      rectangle 0.0730inch x 0.0430inch     8
 D26      square    0.0680inch               4
 D27      round     0.0680inch               8
 D28      round     0.0434inch               2
 D29      rectangle 0.2080inch x 0.1030inch     2
 D30      rectangle 0.2080inch x 0.0980inch     1
 D31      rectangle 0.0356inch x 0.0336inch     2
 D32      rectangle 0.0513inch x 0.0828inch     2
 D33      round     0.0440inch             148
 D34      square    0.0440inch              84
 D35      round     0.0540inch               8