pc_lnk.elf: file format elf32-msp430 SYMBOL TABLE: 0000e000 l d .text 00000000 .text 00000200 l d .data 00000000 .data 00000202 l d .bss 00000000 .bss 0000ffe0 l d .vectors 00000000 .vectors 00000000 l d .stab 00000000 .stab 00000000 l d .stabstr 00000000 .stabstr 00000056 l *ABS* 00000000 DCOCTL 00000057 l *ABS* 00000000 BCSCTL1 00000058 l *ABS* 00000000 BCSCTL2 00000053 l *ABS* 00000000 BCSCTL3 00000128 l *ABS* 00000000 FCTL1 0000012a l *ABS* 00000000 FCTL2 0000012c l *ABS* 00000000 FCTL3 00000054 l *ABS* 00000000 EPCTL 0000012e l *ABS* 00000000 TA0IV 00000160 l *ABS* 00000000 TA0CTL 00000170 l *ABS* 00000000 TA0R 00000162 l *ABS* 00000000 TA0CCTL0 00000164 l *ABS* 00000000 TA0CCTL1 00000172 l *ABS* 00000000 TA0CCR0 00000174 l *ABS* 00000000 TA0CCR1 00000166 l *ABS* 00000000 TA0CCTL2 00000176 l *ABS* 00000000 TA0CCR2 0000011e l *ABS* 00000000 TA1IV 00000180 l *ABS* 00000000 TA1CTL 00000182 l *ABS* 00000000 TA1CCTL0 00000184 l *ABS* 00000000 TA1CCTL1 00000190 l *ABS* 00000000 TAR1 00000192 l *ABS* 00000000 TA1CCR0 00000194 l *ABS* 00000000 TA1CCR1 00000020 l *ABS* 00000000 P1IN 00000021 l *ABS* 00000000 P1OUT 00000022 l *ABS* 00000000 P1DIR 00000023 l *ABS* 00000000 P1IFG 00000024 l *ABS* 00000000 P1IES 00000025 l *ABS* 00000000 P1IE 00000026 l *ABS* 00000000 P1SEL 00000027 l *ABS* 00000000 P1REN 00000028 l *ABS* 00000000 P2IN 00000029 l *ABS* 00000000 P2OUT 0000002a l *ABS* 00000000 P2DIR 0000002b l *ABS* 00000000 P2IFG 0000002c l *ABS* 00000000 P2IES 0000002d l *ABS* 00000000 P2IE 0000002e l *ABS* 00000000 P2SEL 0000002f l *ABS* 00000000 P2REN 00000059 l *ABS* 00000000 CACTL1 0000005a l *ABS* 00000000 CACTL2 0000005b l *ABS* 00000000 CAPD 00000060 l *ABS* 00000000 UCA0CTL0 00000061 l *ABS* 00000000 UCA0CTL1 00000062 l *ABS* 00000000 UCA0BR0 00000063 l *ABS* 00000000 UCA0BR1 00000064 l *ABS* 00000000 UCA0MCTL 00000065 l *ABS* 00000000 UCA0STAT 00000066 l *ABS* 00000000 UCA0RXBUF 00000067 l *ABS* 00000000 UCA0TXBUF 0000005d l *ABS* 00000000 UCA0ABCTL 0000005e l *ABS* 00000000 UCA0IRTCTL 0000005f l *ABS* 00000000 UCA0IRRCTL 00000068 l *ABS* 00000000 UCB0CTL0 00000069 l *ABS* 00000000 UCB0CTL1 0000006a l *ABS* 00000000 UCB0BR0 0000006b l *ABS* 00000000 UCB0BR1 0000006c l *ABS* 00000000 UCB0I2CIE 0000006d l *ABS* 00000000 UCB0STAT 0000006e l *ABS* 00000000 UCB0RXBUF 0000006f l *ABS* 00000000 UCB0TXBUF 00000118 l *ABS* 00000000 UCB0I2COA 0000011a l *ABS* 00000000 UCB0I2CSA 00000048 l *ABS* 00000000 ADC10DTC0 00000049 l *ABS* 00000000 ADC10DTC1 0000004a l *ABS* 00000000 ADC10AE0 000001b0 l *ABS* 00000000 ADC10CTL0 000001b2 l *ABS* 00000000 ADC10CTL1 000001b4 l *ABS* 00000000 ADC10MEM 000001bc l *ABS* 00000000 ADC10SA 000010c0 l *ABS* 00000000 TLV_CHECKSUM 000010f6 l *ABS* 00000000 TLV_DCO_30_TAG 000010f7 l *ABS* 00000000 TLV_DCO_30_LEN 000010da l *ABS* 00000000 TLV_ADC12_1_TAG 000010db l *ABS* 00000000 TLV_ADC12_1_LEN 000010f8 l *ABS* 00000000 CALDCO_16MHZ 000010f9 l *ABS* 00000000 CALBC1_16MHZ 000010fa l *ABS* 00000000 CALDCO_12MHZ 000010fb l *ABS* 00000000 CALBC1_12MHZ 000010fc l *ABS* 00000000 CALDCO_8MHZ 000010fd l *ABS* 00000000 CALBC1_8MHZ 000010fe l *ABS* 00000000 CALDCO_1MHZ 000010ff l *ABS* 00000000 CALBC1_1MHZ 00000120 l *ABS* 00000000 WDTCTL 00000000 l *ABS* 00000000 IE1 00000002 l *ABS* 00000000 IFG1 00000001 l *ABS* 00000000 IE2 00000003 l *ABS* 00000000 IFG2 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 main.c 0000e39c l .text 00000000 Letext 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 interchip.c 0000e538 l .text 00000000 Letext 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 memcmp.c 0000e568 l .text 00000000 Letext 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 strstr.c 0000e5b6 l .text 00000000 Letext 00000000 l df *ABS* 00000000 strncmp.c 0000e5e6 l .text 00000000 Letext 00000002 g *ABS* 00000000 __data_size 0000e460 g F .text 000000d8 send_string 0000e5e8 g .text 00000000 _etext 00000003 g *ABS* 00000000 __bss_size 0000e5e6 w .text 00000000 __stop_progExec__ 0000e030 g .text 00000000 _unexpected_1_ 0000e030 w .text 00000000 vector_ffe0 0000e08c g F .text 00000056 sys_init 0000e104 g F .text 0000000e tx_232_char 0000e030 w .text 00000000 vector_ffec 0000e030 w .text 00000000 vector_fff0 0000e5e8 g *ABS* 00000000 __data_load_start 0000e030 g .text 00000000 __dtors_end 0000e112 g F .text 00000028 tx_232_str 0000e030 w .text 00000000 vector_fffc 0000e046 g .text 00000000 vector_ffe4 0000ffe0 g O .vectors 00000020 InterruptVectors 0000e39c g F .text 000000c4 get_string 0000e01c w .text 00000000 __do_clear_bss 0000e568 g F .text 0000004e strstr 00000200 g O .data 00000002 rxbuflength 0000e0e2 g F .text 00000022 init_UART_232 0000e5b6 g F .text 00000030 strncmp 0000e030 w .text 00000000 vector_ffe2 0000e030 w .text 00000000 vector_ffe8 0000e034 w .text 00000000 _unexpected_ 0000e030 w .text 00000000 vector_fffa 0000e538 g F .text 00000030 memcmp 0000e046 g F .text 00000018 P1_VEC 0000e000 w .text 00000000 _reset_vector__ 0000e030 g .text 00000000 __ctors_start 0000e00a w .text 00000000 __do_copy_data 00000202 g .bss 00000000 __bss_start 0000e036 g .text 00000000 vector_ffee 0000e030 w .text 00000000 vector_fff4 0000e1b4 g F .text 000001e8 main 0000e030 w .text 00000000 vector_fff8 0000e030 w .text 00000000 vector_fff2 00010000 g .vectors 00000000 _vectors_end 0000e030 w .text 00000000 vector_ffe6 0000e05e g F .text 0000002e delay 0000e036 g F .text 00000010 RX_VEC 0000e000 w .text 00000000 __init_stack 0000e030 g .text 00000000 __dtors_start 0000e030 g .text 00000000 __ctors_end 00000300 g *ABS* 00000000 __stack 00000202 g .data 00000000 _edata 00000205 g .bss 00000000 _end 00000202 g O .bss 00000002 flags 0000e030 w .text 00000000 vector_fff6 0000e004 w .text 00000000 __low_level_init 0000e02c w .text 00000000 __jump_to_main 00000200 g .data 00000000 __data_start 0000e030 w .text 00000000 vector_ffea 00000204 g O .bss 00000001 rx_char Disassembly of section .text: 0000e000 <__init_stack>: e000: 31 40 00 03 mov #768, r1 ;#0x0300 0000e004 <__low_level_init>: e004: b2 40 80 5a mov #23168, &0x0120 ;#0x5a80 e008: 20 01 0000e00a <__do_copy_data>: e00a: 3f 40 02 00 mov #2, r15 ;#0x0002 e00e: 0f 93 tst r15 e010: 05 24 jz $+12 ;abs 0xe01c e012: 2f 83 decd r15 e014: 9f 4f e8 e5 mov -6680(r15),512(r15);0xe5e8(r15), 0x0200(r15) e018: 00 02 e01a: fb 23 jnz $-8 ;abs 0xe012 0000e01c <__do_clear_bss>: e01c: 3f 40 03 00 mov #3, r15 ;#0x0003 e020: 0f 93 tst r15 e022: 04 24 jz $+10 ;abs 0xe02c e024: 1f 83 dec r15 e026: cf 43 02 02 mov.b #0, 514(r15);r3 As==00, 0x0202(r15) e02a: fc 23 jnz $-6 ;abs 0xe024 0000e02c <__jump_to_main>: e02c: 30 40 b4 e1 br #0xe1b4 0000e030 <__ctors_end>: e030: 30 40 34 e0 br #0xe034 0000e034 <_unexpected_>: e034: 00 13 reti 0000e036 : /** This is called once for every RS232 character that comes in */ interrupt (USCIAB0RX_VECTOR) RX_VEC(void) { dint(); //no nesting! e036: 32 c2 dint //P1OUT^=LED_GRN; rx_char = UCA0RXBUF; e038: d2 42 66 00 mov.b &0x0066,&0x0204 e03c: 04 02 flags |= RXCHAR_RDY; e03e: a2 d3 02 02 bis #2, &0x0202 ;r3 As==10 //LPM3_EXIT; eint(); e042: 32 d2 eint } e044: 00 13 reti 0000e046 : These interrupts are caused by external pin events on handshake lines */ // Port 1 interripts : The arbiter is talking to us interrupt (PORT1_VECTOR) P1_VEC(void) { e046: 0f 12 push r15 dint(); e048: 32 c2 dint if(P1IFG & ARB_RX) //The arbiter is sending us a string e04a: e2 b3 23 00 bit.b #2, &0x0023 ;r3 As==10 e04e: 02 24 jz $+6 ;abs 0xe054 { flags |= ARBITER_RDY; e050: 92 d3 02 02 bis #1, &0x0202 ;r3 As==01 //LPM3_EXIT; //We need to grab that byte! } P1IFG=0x00; e054: c2 43 23 00 mov.b #0, &0x0023 ;r3 As==00 eint(); e058: 32 d2 eint } e05a: 3f 41 pop r15 e05c: 00 13 reti 0000e05e : Delay function. */ void delay(unsigned int d) { int i; for (i = 0; i: Set up the system */ void sys_init() { WDTCTL = WDTCTL_INIT; //Init watchdog timer e08c: b2 40 80 5a mov #23168, &0x0120 ;#0x5a80 e090: 20 01 P1OUT = P1OUT_INIT; //Init output data of port1 e092: f2 40 05 00 mov.b #5, &0x0021 ;#0x0005 e096: 21 00 P2OUT = P2OUT_INIT; //Init output data of port2 e098: c2 43 29 00 mov.b #0, &0x0029 ;r3 As==00 P3OUT = P3OUT_INIT; e09c: f2 42 19 00 mov.b #8, &0x0019 ;r2 As==11 P1SEL = P1SEL_INIT; //Select port or module -function on port1 e0a0: c2 43 26 00 mov.b #0, &0x0026 ;r3 As==00 P2SEL = P2SEL_INIT; //Select port or module -function on port2 e0a4: c2 43 2e 00 mov.b #0, &0x002e ;r3 As==00 P3SEL = P3SEL_INIT; e0a8: f2 40 30 00 mov.b #48, &0x001b ;#0x0030 e0ac: 1b 00 P1DIR = P1DIR_INIT; //Init port direction register of port1 e0ae: f2 40 f9 ff mov.b #-7, &0x0022 ;#0xfff9 e0b2: 22 00 P2DIR = P2DIR_INIT; //Init port direction register of port2 e0b4: f2 43 2a 00 mov.b #-1, &0x002a ;r3 As==11 P3DIR = P3DIR_INIT; e0b8: f2 40 db ff mov.b #-37, &0x001a ;#0xffdb e0bc: 1a 00 P1IES = P1IES_INIT; //init port interrupts e0be: e2 43 24 00 mov.b #2, &0x0024 ;r3 As==10 P2IES = P2IES_INIT; e0c2: c2 43 2c 00 mov.b #0, &0x002c ;r3 As==00 P1IE = P1IE_INIT; e0c6: e2 43 25 00 mov.b #2, &0x0025 ;r3 As==10 P2IE = P2IE_INIT; e0ca: c2 43 2d 00 mov.b #0, &0x002d ;r3 As==00 BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_8MHZ; // Set DCO e0ce: d2 42 fd 10 mov.b &0x10fd,&0x0057 e0d2: 57 00 DCOCTL = CALDCO_8MHZ; e0d4: d2 42 fc 10 mov.b &0x10fc,&0x0056 e0d8: 56 00 BCSCTL3 = LFXT1S_2; e0da: f2 40 20 00 mov.b #32, &0x0053 ;#0x0020 e0de: 53 00 } e0e0: 30 41 ret 0000e0e2 : void init_UART_232() { UCA0CTL1 |= UCSWRST; //halt state machine e0e2: d2 d3 61 00 bis.b #1, &0x0061 ;r3 As==01 UCA0CTL1 = UCSSEL_2; // SMCLK e0e6: f2 40 80 ff mov.b #-128, &0x0061 ;#0xff80 e0ea: 61 00 //UCA0BR1 = 0x3; //UCA0BR0 = 0x82; // 9600 from 16Mhz //UCA0BR1 = 0x6; UCA0BR0=0x45; UCA0BR1=0x00; //9600 from 8 e0ec: f2 40 45 00 mov.b #69, &0x0062 ;#0x0045 e0f0: 62 00 e0f2: c2 43 63 00 mov.b #0, &0x0063 ;r3 As==00 UCA0MCTL = UCBRS_2; e0f6: e2 42 64 00 mov.b #4, &0x0064 ;r2 As==10 UCA0CTL1 &= ~UCSWRST; // **Initialize USCI state machine** e0fa: d2 c3 61 00 bic.b #1, &0x0061 ;r3 As==01 IE2 |= UCA0RXIE; e0fe: d2 d3 01 00 bis.b #1, &0x0001 ;r3 As==01 } e102: 30 41 ret 0000e104 : void tx_232_char(char c) { e104: 4e 4f mov.b r15, r14 while ((IFG2 & UCA0TXIFG) == 0); // USART0 TX buffer ready? e106: e2 b3 03 00 bit.b #2, &0x0003 ;r3 As==10 e10a: fd 27 jz $-4 ;abs 0xe106 UCA0TXBUF = c; e10c: c2 4e 67 00 mov.b r14, &0x0067 } e110: 30 41 ret 0000e112 : void tx_232_str(char *str, unsigned char length) { e112: 0b 12 push r11 e114: 0a 12 push r10 e116: 09 12 push r9 e118: 09 4f mov r15, r9 e11a: 4a 4e mov.b r14, r10 unsigned char i; //int length=strlen(str); //tx_232_char(0x00); //sync on this for(i=0; i: /** Main function. */ int main(void) { e1b4: 31 40 60 02 mov #608, r1 ;#0x0260 #define BUFFER_SIZE 80 unsigned char interchip[BUFFER_SIZE],rxbuf[BUFFER_SIZE]; unsigned int loop,length=0,rxbuflength=0, echo=0; e1b8: 0b 43 clr r11 e1ba: 09 43 clr r9 sys_init(); e1bc: b0 12 8c e0 call #0xe08c P3OUT &= ~LED_OFF; //turn LED on e1c0: f2 c2 19 00 bic.b #8, &0x0019 ;r2 As==11 memset(interchip, 0, BUFFER_SIZE-1); e1c4: 3e 40 4f 00 mov #79, r14 ;#0x004f e1c8: 0f 41 mov r1, r15 e1ca: cf 43 00 00 mov.b #0, 0(r15) ;r3 As==00, 0x0000(r15) e1ce: 1f 53 inc r15 e1d0: 1e 83 dec r14 e1d2: fb 23 jnz $-8 ;abs 0xe1ca memset(rxbuf, 0, BUFFER_SIZE-1); e1d4: 3e 40 4f 00 mov #79, r14 ;#0x004f e1d8: 0a 41 mov r1, r10 e1da: 3a 50 50 00 add #80, r10 ;#0x0050 e1de: 0f 4a mov r10, r15 e1e0: cf 43 00 00 mov.b #0, 0(r15) ;r3 As==00, 0x0000(r15) e1e4: 1f 53 inc r15 e1e6: 1e 83 dec r14 e1e8: fb 23 jnz $-8 ;abs 0xe1e0 init_UART_232(); e1ea: b0 12 e2 e0 call #0xe0e2 delay(0x00FF); e1ee: 3f 40 ff 00 mov #255, r15 ;#0x00ff e1f2: b0 12 5e e0 call #0xe05e delay(0xFFFF); e1f6: 3f 43 mov #-1, r15 ;r3 As==11 e1f8: b0 12 5e e0 call #0xe05e delay(0xFFFF); e1fc: 3f 43 mov #-1, r15 ;r3 As==11 e1fe: b0 12 5e e0 call #0xe05e tx_232_char('\r'); //XON resumes data transfers e202: 7f 40 0d 00 mov.b #13, r15 ;#0x000d e206: b0 12 04 e1 call #0xe104 tx_232_char('\n'); //XON resumes data transfers e20a: 7f 40 0a 00 mov.b #10, r15 ;#0x000a e20e: b0 12 04 e1 call #0xe104 tx_232_str("\e[32m(115.2-8-1 XON/XOFF) ECHO OFF\r\n", 36); //Send the byte out e212: 7e 40 24 00 mov.b #36, r14 ;#0x0024 e216: 3f 40 3a e1 mov #-7878, r15 ;#0xe13a e21a: b0 12 12 e1 call #0xe112 tx_232_str("Ginger Terminal Ready\r\n\e[30m", 28); //Send the byte out e21e: 7e 40 1c 00 mov.b #28, r14 ;#0x001c e222: 3f 40 5f e1 mov #-7841, r15 ;#0xe15f e226: b0 12 12 e1 call #0xe112 flags=0; e22a: 82 43 02 02 mov #0, &0x0202 ;r3 As==00 P2IFG=0x00; e22e: c2 43 2b 00 mov.b #0, &0x002b ;r3 As==00 P1IFG=0x00; e232: c2 43 23 00 mov.b #0, &0x0023 ;r3 As==00 P3OUT |= LED_OFF; //turn LED off; e236: f2 d2 19 00 bis.b #8, &0x0019 ;r2 As==11 eint(); e23a: 32 d2 eint tx_232_char(XON); //XON resumes data transfers e23c: 7f 40 11 00 mov.b #17, r15 ;#0x0011 e240: b0 12 04 e1 call #0xe104 while (1) //main loop, never ends... { loop = 0; if(flags & ARBITER_RDY) //Arbiter has something to say e244: 92 b3 02 02 bit #1, &0x0202 ;r3 As==01 e248: 25 24 jz $+76 ;abs 0xe294 { tx_232_char(XOFF); //XOFF stops data transfer momentarily e24a: 7f 40 13 00 mov.b #19, r15 ;#0x0013 e24e: b0 12 04 e1 call #0xe104 dint(); e252: 32 c2 dint loop = 1; P3OUT &= ~LED_OFF; //turn on LED e254: f2 c2 19 00 bic.b #8, &0x0019 ;r2 As==11 //tx_232_char(0x0); //sync bit //memset(rxbuf, 0, BUFFER_SIZE-1); 02-25-2010 length = get_string(rxbuf); e258: 0f 4a mov r10, r15 e25a: b0 12 9c e3 call #0xe39c e25e: 4e 4f mov.b r15, r14 e260: 8e 11 sxt r14 P1IFG &= ~ARB_RX; e262: e2 c3 23 00 bic.b #2, &0x0023 ;r3 As==10 flags &= ~ARBITER_RDY; e266: 92 c3 02 02 bic #1, &0x0202 ;r3 As==01 //delay(0xF); //THIS DELAY IS OPTIMAZATION SENSITIVE! ADJUST ACCORDINGLY IF COMMUNICATIONS BREAKS DOWN (make longer) //send_byte(0x01); rxbuf[length-1] = '\r'; e26a: 0f 41 mov r1, r15 e26c: 0f 5e add r14, r15 e26e: ff 40 0d 00 mov.b #13, 79(r15) ;#0x000d, 0x004f(r15) e272: 4f 00 rxbuf[length] = '\n'; e274: 0f 4e mov r14, r15 e276: 0f 51 add r1, r15 e278: ff 40 0a 00 mov.b #10, 80(r15) ;#0x000a, 0x0050(r15) e27c: 50 00 length += 1; e27e: 1e 53 inc r14 tx_232_str(rxbuf, length); //Send the string out e280: 0f 4a mov r10, r15 e282: b0 12 12 e1 call #0xe112 eint(); e286: 32 d2 eint tx_232_char(XON); //XON resumes data transfers e288: 7f 40 11 00 mov.b #17, r15 ;#0x0011 e28c: b0 12 04 e1 call #0xe104 P3OUT |= LED_OFF; //turn LED off; e290: f2 d2 19 00 bis.b #8, &0x0019 ;r2 As==11 } if(flags & RXSTRING_RDY) e294: a2 b2 02 02 bit #4, &0x0202 ;r2 As==10 e298: 2b 24 jz $+88 ;abs 0xe2f0 { tx_232_char(XOFF); //XOFF stops data transfer momentarily e29a: 7f 40 13 00 mov.b #19, r15 ;#0x0013 e29e: b0 12 04 e1 call #0xe104 dint(); e2a2: 32 c2 dint loop = 1; flags &= ~RXSTRING_RDY; e2a4: a2 c2 02 02 bic #4, &0x0202 ;r2 As==10 //tx_232_str("\r\n",2); //newline if(!memcmp("PCL",interchip,3)) e2a8: 3d 40 03 00 mov #3, r13 ;#0x0003 e2ac: 0e 41 mov r1, r14 e2ae: 3f 40 7c e1 mov #-7812, r15 ;#0xe17c e2b2: b0 12 38 e5 call #0xe538 e2b6: 0f 93 tst r15 e2b8: 64 20 jnz $+202 ;abs 0xe382 { if(strstr(interchip, "reboot") != NULL) e2ba: 3e 40 80 e1 mov #-7808, r14 ;#0xe180 e2be: 0f 41 mov r1, r15 e2c0: b0 12 68 e5 call #0xe568 e2c4: 0f 93 tst r15 e2c6: 59 20 jnz $+180 ;abs 0xe37a { WDTCTL = WDTCNTCL|WDTPW; while(1); //reboot in 32ms } else if(strstr(interchip, "echo on") != NULL) e2c8: 3e 40 87 e1 mov #-7801, r14 ;#0xe187 e2cc: 0f 41 mov r1, r15 e2ce: b0 12 68 e5 call #0xe568 e2d2: 0f 93 tst r15 e2d4: 43 24 jz $+136 ;abs 0xe35c { tx_232_str("Echo is ON\r\n", 12); //Send the byte out e2d6: 7e 40 0c 00 mov.b #12, r14 ;#0x000c e2da: 3f 40 8f e1 mov #-7793, r15 ;#0xe18f e2de: b0 12 12 e1 call #0xe112 echo = 1; e2e2: 19 43 mov #1, r9 ;r3 As==01 send_string(interchip,rxbuflength+1); P1IFG &= ~ARB_RX; //usage of the interchip routine soils the interrupt } //memset(interchip, 0, 63); rxbuflength = 0; e2e4: 0b 43 clr r11 eint(); e2e6: 32 d2 eint tx_232_char(XON); //XON resumes data transfers e2e8: 7f 40 11 00 mov.b #17, r15 ;#0x0011 e2ec: b0 12 04 e1 call #0xe104 } if(flags & RXCHAR_RDY) e2f0: a2 b3 02 02 bit #2, &0x0202 ;r3 As==10 e2f4: a7 27 jz $-176 ;abs 0xe244 { dint(); e2f6: 32 c2 dint loop = 1; flags &= ~RXCHAR_RDY; e2f8: a2 c3 02 02 bic #2, &0x0202 ;r3 As==10 if(rx_char == '\b') //backspaces are dumb e2fc: 5e 42 04 02 mov.b &0x0204,r14 e300: 7e 92 cmp.b #8, r14 ;r2 As==11 e302: 1d 24 jz $+60 ;abs 0xe33e if(rxbuflength > 0) rxbuflength--; tx_232_char('\b'); tx_232_char(' '); } else if(rx_char == '\r'); //don't count a return in the buffer! e304: 7e 90 0d 00 cmp.b #13, r14 ;#0x000d e308: 05 24 jz $+12 ;abs 0xe314 else //Normal characters are nice { interchip[rxbuflength]=rx_char; e30a: 0f 4b mov r11, r15 e30c: 0f 51 add r1, r15 e30e: cf 4e 00 00 mov.b r14, 0(r15) ;0x0000(r15) rxbuflength++; e312: 1b 53 inc r11 } if(rxbuflength > 60 || (rx_char == '\r' && rxbuflength > 0)) //Did they press enter? packet too long? e314: 3b 90 3d 00 cmp #61, r11 ;#0x003d e318: 0f 2c jc $+32 ;abs 0xe338 e31a: f2 90 0d 00 cmp.b #13, &0x0204 ;#0x000d e31e: 04 02 e320: 09 24 jz $+20 ;abs 0xe334 //tx_232_char(XOFF); //XOFF stops data transfer momentarily flags |= RXSTRING_RDY; //Send the string out } //option to turn on local echo for RS232 use? if(echo == 1) e322: 19 93 cmp #1, r9 ;r3 As==01 e324: 02 24 jz $+6 ;abs 0xe32a tx_232_char(rx_char); //local echo for serial port eint(); e326: 32 d2 eint } if(loop == 0) e328: 8d 3f jmp $-228 ;abs 0xe244 flags |= RXSTRING_RDY; //Send the string out } //option to turn on local echo for RS232 use? if(echo == 1) tx_232_char(rx_char); //local echo for serial port e32a: 5f 42 04 02 mov.b &0x0204,r15 e32e: b0 12 04 e1 call #0xe104 e332: f9 3f jmp $-12 ;abs 0xe326 e334: 0b 93 tst r11 e336: f5 27 jz $-20 ;abs 0xe322 } if(rxbuflength > 60 || (rx_char == '\r' && rxbuflength > 0)) //Did they press enter? packet too long? { //tx_232_char(XOFF); //XOFF stops data transfer momentarily flags |= RXSTRING_RDY; //Send the string out e338: a2 d2 02 02 bis #4, &0x0202 ;r2 As==10 e33c: f2 3f jmp $-26 ;abs 0xe322 dint(); loop = 1; flags &= ~RXCHAR_RDY; if(rx_char == '\b') //backspaces are dumb { interchip[rxbuflength]=0; e33e: 0f 4b mov r11, r15 e340: 0f 51 add r1, r15 e342: cf 43 00 00 mov.b #0, 0(r15) ;r3 As==00, 0x0000(r15) if(rxbuflength > 0) e346: 0b 93 tst r11 e348: 01 24 jz $+4 ;abs 0xe34c rxbuflength--; e34a: 3b 53 add #-1, r11 ;r3 As==11 tx_232_char('\b'); e34c: 7f 42 mov.b #8, r15 ;r2 As==11 e34e: b0 12 04 e1 call #0xe104 tx_232_char(' '); e352: 7f 40 20 00 mov.b #32, r15 ;#0x0020 e356: b0 12 04 e1 call #0xe104 e35a: dc 3f jmp $-70 ;abs 0xe314 else if(strstr(interchip, "echo on") != NULL) { tx_232_str("Echo is ON\r\n", 12); //Send the byte out echo = 1; } else if(strstr(interchip, "echo off") != NULL) e35c: 3e 40 9c e1 mov #-7780, r14 ;#0xe19c e360: 0f 41 mov r1, r15 e362: b0 12 68 e5 call #0xe568 e366: 0f 93 tst r15 e368: bd 27 jz $-132 ;abs 0xe2e4 { tx_232_str("Echo is OFF\r\n", 13); //Send the byte out e36a: 7e 40 0d 00 mov.b #13, r14 ;#0x000d e36e: 3f 40 a5 e1 mov #-7771, r15 ;#0xe1a5 e372: b0 12 12 e1 call #0xe112 echo = 0; e376: 09 43 clr r9 e378: b5 3f jmp $-148 ;abs 0xe2e4 //tx_232_str("\r\n",2); //newline if(!memcmp("PCL",interchip,3)) { if(strstr(interchip, "reboot") != NULL) { WDTCTL = WDTCNTCL|WDTPW; e37a: b2 40 08 5a mov #23048, &0x0120 ;#0x5a08 e37e: 20 01 while(1); //reboot in 32ms e380: ff 3f jmp $+0 ;abs 0xe380 echo = 0; } } else { send_string(interchip,rxbuflength+1); e382: 4f 4b mov.b r11, r15 e384: 5f 53 inc.b r15 e386: 4e 4f mov.b r15, r14 e388: 0f 41 mov r1, r15 e38a: b0 12 60 e4 call #0xe460 P1IFG &= ~ARB_RX; //usage of the interchip routine soils the interrupt e38e: e2 c3 23 00 bic.b #2, &0x0023 ;r3 As==10 e392: a8 3f jmp $-174 ;abs 0xe2e4 } //LPM3; //(going to sleep ruins the DCO calibration!) //Go to sleep, when we wake, something has happened } } e394: 31 50 a0 00 add #160, r1 ;#0x00a0 e398: 30 40 e6 e5 br #0xe5e6 0000e39c : #define INTERCHIP_TIMEOUT 500000 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char get_string(char *str) { e39c: 0b 12 push r11 e39e: 0a 12 push r10 e3a0: 09 12 push r9 e3a2: 09 4f mov r15, r9 unsigned int pos,i,length; unsigned char byte=0; e3a4: 4d 43 clr.b r13 unsigned long timeout=0; e3a6: 0b 43 clr r11 e3a8: 0c 43 clr r12 P1DIR &= ~ARB_CLK; //make sure the clock is an INPUT e3aa: e2 c2 22 00 bic.b #4, &0x0022 ;r2 As==10 while((P1IN & ARB_RX) == ARB_RX) //Does the chip still want to talk to us? A timeout wouldn't be bad e3ae: e2 b3 20 00 bit.b #2, &0x0020 ;r3 As==10 e3b2: 0b 24 jz $+24 ;abs 0xe3ca { timeout++; e3b4: 1b 53 inc r11 e3b6: 0c 63 adc r12 if(timeout == INTERCHIP_TIMEOUT) //about 1 second or so e3b8: 3b 90 20 a1 cmp #-24288,r11 ;#0xa120 e3bc: 03 20 jnz $+8 ;abs 0xe3c4 e3be: 3c 90 07 00 cmp #7, r12 ;#0x0007 e3c2: 3f 24 jz $+128 ;abs 0xe442 e3c4: e2 b3 20 00 bit.b #2, &0x0020 ;r3 As==10 e3c8: f5 23 jnz $-20 ;abs 0xe3b4 WDTCTL = WDTCNTCL|WDTPW; //well, the chip is taking a long time so reset ok while(1); } } P1OUT &= ~ARB_TX; //lower the TX line to aknowledge start of reception e3ca: d2 c3 21 00 bic.b #1, &0x0021 ;r3 As==01 WDTCTL = WDTCNTCL|WDTPW; e3ce: b2 40 08 5a mov #23048, &0x0120 ;#0x5a08 e3d2: 20 01 for(i=BYTE_LENGTH; i>0; i--) e3d4: 3e 42 mov #8, r14 ;r2 As==11 { //P3OUT ^= LED_GRN; //delay(0xF); byte = byte << 1; e3d6: 4d 5d rla.b r13 while((P1IN & ARB_CLK) == ARB_CLK); e3d8: e2 b2 20 00 bit.b #4, &0x0020 ;r2 As==10 e3dc: fd 23 jnz $-4 ;abs 0xe3d8 byte |= ((P1IN & ARB_RX) >> 1); e3de: e2 b3 20 00 bit.b #2, &0x0020 ;r3 As==10 e3e2: 4f 43 clr.b r15 e3e4: 4f 63 adc.b r15 e3e6: 4d df bis.b r15, r13 P1OUT |= ARB_TX; //set the TX line high to show that we have the bit e3e8: d2 d3 21 00 bis.b #1, &0x0021 ;r3 As==01 while((P1IN & ARB_CLK) == 0); e3ec: e2 b2 20 00 bit.b #4, &0x0020 ;r2 As==10 e3f0: fd 27 jz $-4 ;abs 0xe3ec P1OUT &= ~ARB_TX; //clear the TX line high to show that we are ready for the next bit e3f2: d2 c3 21 00 bic.b #1, &0x0021 ;r3 As==01 } P1OUT &= ~ARB_TX; //lower the TX line to aknowledge start of reception WDTCTL = WDTCNTCL|WDTPW; for(i=BYTE_LENGTH; i>0; i--) e3f6: 3e 53 add #-1, r14 ;r3 As==11 e3f8: ee 23 jnz $-34 ;abs 0xe3d6 P1OUT |= ARB_TX; //set the TX line high to show that we have the bit while((P1IN & ARB_CLK) == 0); P1OUT &= ~ARB_TX; //clear the TX line high to show that we are ready for the next bit } length = byte; e3fa: 4a 4d mov.b r13, r10 for(pos=0; pos < length-1; pos++) e3fc: 0c 43 clr r12 e3fe: 0b 4a mov r10, r11 e400: 3b 53 add #-1, r11 ;r3 As==11 e402: 0c 9b cmp r11, r12 e404: 22 2c jc $+70 ;abs 0xe44a { WDTCTL = WDTCNTCL|WDTPW; e406: b2 40 08 5a mov #23048, &0x0120 ;#0x5a08 e40a: 20 01 for(i=BYTE_LENGTH; i>0; i--) e40c: 3e 42 mov #8, r14 ;r2 As==11 { byte = byte << 1; e40e: 4d 5d rla.b r13 while((P1IN & ARB_CLK) == ARB_CLK); e410: e2 b2 20 00 bit.b #4, &0x0020 ;r2 As==10 e414: fd 23 jnz $-4 ;abs 0xe410 byte |= ((P1IN & ARB_RX) >> 1); e416: e2 b3 20 00 bit.b #2, &0x0020 ;r3 As==10 e41a: 4f 43 clr.b r15 e41c: 4f 63 adc.b r15 e41e: 4d df bis.b r15, r13 P1OUT |= ARB_TX; //set the TX line high to show that we have the bit e420: d2 d3 21 00 bis.b #1, &0x0021 ;r3 As==01 while((P1IN & ARB_CLK) == 0); e424: e2 b2 20 00 bit.b #4, &0x0020 ;r2 As==10 e428: fd 27 jz $-4 ;abs 0xe424 P1OUT &= ~ARB_TX; //clear the TX line high to show that we are ready for the next bit e42a: d2 c3 21 00 bic.b #1, &0x0021 ;r3 As==01 length = byte; for(pos=0; pos < length-1; pos++) { WDTCTL = WDTCNTCL|WDTPW; for(i=BYTE_LENGTH; i>0; i--) e42e: 3e 53 add #-1, r14 ;r3 As==11 e430: ee 23 jnz $-34 ;abs 0xe40e byte |= ((P1IN & ARB_RX) >> 1); P1OUT |= ARB_TX; //set the TX line high to show that we have the bit while((P1IN & ARB_CLK) == 0); P1OUT &= ~ARB_TX; //clear the TX line high to show that we are ready for the next bit } str[pos] = byte; e432: 0f 49 mov r9, r15 e434: 0f 5c add r12, r15 e436: cf 4d 00 00 mov.b r13, 0(r15) ;0x0000(r15) P1OUT &= ~ARB_TX; //clear the TX line high to show that we are ready for the next bit } length = byte; for(pos=0; pos < length-1; pos++) e43a: 1c 53 inc r12 e43c: 0c 9b cmp r11, r12 e43e: e3 2b jnc $-56 ;abs 0xe406 e440: 04 3c jmp $+10 ;abs 0xe44a while((P1IN & ARB_RX) == ARB_RX) //Does the chip still want to talk to us? A timeout wouldn't be bad { timeout++; if(timeout == INTERCHIP_TIMEOUT) //about 1 second or so { WDTCTL = WDTCNTCL|WDTPW; //well, the chip is taking a long time so reset ok e442: b2 40 08 5a mov #23048, &0x0120 ;#0x5a08 e446: 20 01 while(1); e448: ff 3f jmp $+0 ;abs 0xe448 while((P1IN & ARB_CLK) == 0); P1OUT &= ~ARB_TX; //clear the TX line high to show that we are ready for the next bit } str[pos] = byte; } P1OUT |= ARB_TX; e44a: d2 d3 21 00 bis.b #1, &0x0021 ;r3 As==01 WDTCTL = WDTHOLD|WDTPW; e44e: b2 40 80 5a mov #23168, &0x0120 ;#0x5a80 e452: 20 01 return length; e454: 4f 4a mov.b r10, r15 e456: 8f 11 sxt r15 } e458: 39 41 pop r9 e45a: 3a 41 pop r10 e45c: 3b 41 pop r11 e45e: 30 41 ret 0000e460 : ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char send_string( char *str, unsigned char length) { e460: 0b 12 push r11 e462: 0a 12 push r10 e464: 0a 4f mov r15, r10 unsigned int pos,i; unsigned char byte=0; unsigned long timeout=0; e466: 0c 43 clr r12 e468: 0d 43 clr r13 //first see if the chip wants to talk to us first so we don't fight if((P1IN & ARB_RX) == 0) e46a: e2 b3 20 00 bit.b #2, &0x0020 ;r3 As==10 e46e: 02 20 jnz $+6 ;abs 0xe474 return false; e470: 0f 43 clr r15 e472: 5f 3c jmp $+192 ;abs 0xe532 //lower the TX pin and wait for a response P1DIR |= ARB_CLK; //turn the clock into an output, idle high e474: e2 d2 22 00 bis.b #4, &0x0022 ;r2 As==10 P1OUT &= ~ARB_TX; //lower the flag to let the other chip know we want to talk to it! e478: d2 c3 21 00 bic.b #1, &0x0021 ;r3 As==01 while((P1IN & ARB_RX) == ARB_RX) e47c: e2 b3 20 00 bit.b #2, &0x0020 ;r3 As==10 e480: 0b 24 jz $+24 ;abs 0xe498 { timeout++; e482: 1c 53 inc r12 e484: 0d 63 adc r13 if(timeout == INTERCHIP_TIMEOUT) //about 1 second or so e486: 3c 90 20 a1 cmp #-24288,r12 ;#0xa120 e48a: 03 20 jnz $+8 ;abs 0xe492 e48c: 3d 90 07 00 cmp #7, r13 ;#0x0007 e490: 4c 24 jz $+154 ;abs 0xe52a e492: e2 b3 20 00 bit.b #2, &0x0020 ;r3 As==10 e496: f5 23 jnz $-20 ;abs 0xe482 WDTCTL = WDTCNTCL|WDTPW; //well, the chip is taking a long time so reset ok } WDTCTL = WDTCNTCL|WDTPW; e498: b2 40 08 5a mov #23048, &0x0120 ;#0x5a08 e49c: 20 01 //The other chip has acknowledged us, start sending data byte = length; e49e: 4d 4e mov.b r14, r13 for(i=BYTE_LENGTH; i>0; i--) e4a0: 3c 42 mov #8, r12 ;r2 As==11 { while((P1IN & ARB_RX) == ARB_RX); //wouldn't be a bad idea for a timeout here e4a2: e2 b3 20 00 bit.b #2, &0x0020 ;r3 As==10 e4a6: fd 23 jnz $-4 ;abs 0xe4a2 P1OUT |= (ARB_TX & ((0x80&byte) >> 7)); // latch output data MSB first e4a8: 4f 4d mov.b r13, r15 e4aa: 4f 5f rla.b r15 e4ac: 4f 43 clr.b r15 e4ae: 4f 6f rlc.b r15 e4b0: c2 df 21 00 bis.b r15, &0x0021 P1OUT &= ~ARB_CLK; //lower the clock e4b4: e2 c2 21 00 bic.b #4, &0x0021 ;r2 As==10 while((P1IN & ARB_RX) == 0); //wait for the RX line to come high to show the other chip has the bit e4b8: e2 b3 20 00 bit.b #2, &0x0020 ;r3 As==10 e4bc: fd 27 jz $-4 ;abs 0xe4b8 P1OUT |= ARB_CLK; //raise the clock e4be: e2 d2 21 00 bis.b #4, &0x0021 ;r2 As==10 P1OUT &= ~ARB_TX; //clear the TX line e4c2: d2 c3 21 00 bic.b #1, &0x0021 ;r3 As==01 byte = byte << 1; e4c6: 4d 5d rla.b r13 } WDTCTL = WDTCNTCL|WDTPW; //The other chip has acknowledged us, start sending data byte = length; for(i=BYTE_LENGTH; i>0; i--) e4c8: 3c 53 add #-1, r12 ;r3 As==11 e4ca: eb 23 jnz $-40 ;abs 0xe4a2 } //while((P1IN & ARB_RX) == 0); //wait for the other chip to go idle //return true; //send_byte(length); for(pos=0; pos < length-1; pos++) e4cc: 4b 4e mov.b r14, r11 e4ce: 0e 43 clr r14 e4d0: 1b 93 cmp #1, r11 ;r3 As==01 e4d2: 21 24 jz $+68 ;abs 0xe516 { WDTCTL = WDTCNTCL|WDTPW; e4d4: b2 40 08 5a mov #23048, &0x0120 ;#0x5a08 e4d8: 20 01 byte = str[pos]; e4da: 0f 4a mov r10, r15 e4dc: 0f 5e add r14, r15 e4de: 6d 4f mov.b @r15, r13 for(i=BYTE_LENGTH; i>0; i--) e4e0: 3c 42 mov #8, r12 ;r2 As==11 { while((P1IN & ARB_RX) == ARB_RX); //wouldn't be a bad idea for a timeout here e4e2: e2 b3 20 00 bit.b #2, &0x0020 ;r3 As==10 e4e6: fd 23 jnz $-4 ;abs 0xe4e2 P1OUT |= (ARB_TX & ((0x80&byte) >> 7)); // latch output data MSB first e4e8: 4f 4d mov.b r13, r15 e4ea: 4f 5f rla.b r15 e4ec: 4f 43 clr.b r15 e4ee: 4f 6f rlc.b r15 e4f0: c2 df 21 00 bis.b r15, &0x0021 P1OUT &= ~ARB_CLK; //lower the clock e4f4: e2 c2 21 00 bic.b #4, &0x0021 ;r2 As==10 while((P1IN & ARB_RX) == 0); //wait for the RX line to come high to show the other chip has the bit e4f8: e2 b3 20 00 bit.b #2, &0x0020 ;r3 As==10 e4fc: fd 27 jz $-4 ;abs 0xe4f8 P1OUT |= ARB_CLK; //raise the clock e4fe: e2 d2 21 00 bis.b #4, &0x0021 ;r2 As==10 P1OUT &= ~ARB_TX; //clear the TX line e502: d2 c3 21 00 bic.b #1, &0x0021 ;r3 As==01 byte = byte << 1; e506: 4d 5d rla.b r13 //send_byte(length); for(pos=0; pos < length-1; pos++) { WDTCTL = WDTCNTCL|WDTPW; byte = str[pos]; for(i=BYTE_LENGTH; i>0; i--) e508: 3c 53 add #-1, r12 ;r3 As==11 e50a: eb 23 jnz $-40 ;abs 0xe4e2 } //while((P1IN & ARB_RX) == 0); //wait for the other chip to go idle //return true; //send_byte(length); for(pos=0; pos < length-1; pos++) e50c: 1e 53 inc r14 e50e: 0f 4b mov r11, r15 e510: 3f 53 add #-1, r15 ;r3 As==11 e512: 0e 9f cmp r15, r14 e514: df 2b jnc $-64 ;abs 0xe4d4 P1OUT &= ~ARB_TX; //clear the TX line byte = byte << 1; } } P1DIR &= ~ARB_CLK; //turn the clock into an input and let it float e516: e2 c2 22 00 bic.b #4, &0x0022 ;r2 As==10 P1OUT |= ARB_TX | ARB_CLK; // set the TX line back to IDLE e51a: f2 d0 05 00 bis.b #5, &0x0021 ;#0x0005 e51e: 21 00 WDTCTL = WDTHOLD|WDTPW; e520: b2 40 80 5a mov #23168, &0x0120 ;#0x5a80 e524: 20 01 return true; e526: 1f 43 mov #1, r15 ;r3 As==01 e528: 04 3c jmp $+10 ;abs 0xe532 while((P1IN & ARB_RX) == ARB_RX) { timeout++; if(timeout == INTERCHIP_TIMEOUT) //about 1 second or so WDTCTL = WDTCNTCL|WDTPW; //well, the chip is taking a long time so reset ok e52a: b2 40 08 5a mov #23048, &0x0120 ;#0x5a08 e52e: 20 01 e530: b0 3f jmp $-158 ;abs 0xe492 P1DIR &= ~ARB_CLK; //turn the clock into an input and let it float P1OUT |= ARB_TX | ARB_CLK; // set the TX line back to IDLE WDTCTL = WDTHOLD|WDTPW; return true; } e532: 3a 41 pop r10 e534: 3b 41 pop r11 e536: 30 41 ret 0000e538 : e538: 0b 12 push r11 e53a: 0b 4d mov r13, r11 e53c: 0d 93 tst r13 e53e: 0a 24 jz $+22 ;abs 0xe554 e540: 0c 4f mov r15, r12 e542: 0d 4e mov r14, r13 e544: 6e 4d mov.b @r13, r14 e546: 1d 53 inc r13 e548: 6f 4c mov.b @r12, r15 e54a: 1c 53 inc r12 e54c: 4f 9e cmp.b r14, r15 e54e: 04 20 jnz $+10 ;abs 0xe558 e550: 3b 53 add #-1, r11 ;r3 As==11 e552: f8 23 jnz $-14 ;abs 0xe544 e554: 0c 43 clr r12 e556: 05 3c jmp $+12 ;abs 0xe562 e558: 5c 4c ff ff mov.b -1(r12),r12 ;0xffff(r12) e55c: 5f 4d ff ff mov.b -1(r13),r15 ;0xffff(r13) e560: 0c 8f sub r15, r12 e562: 0f 4c mov r12, r15 e564: 3b 41 pop r11 e566: 30 41 ret 0000e568 : e568: 0b 12 push r11 e56a: 0a 12 push r10 e56c: 09 12 push r9 e56e: 08 12 push r8 e570: 0b 4f mov r15, r11 e572: 0a 4e mov r14, r10 e574: 69 4e mov.b @r14, r9 e576: 1a 53 inc r10 e578: 49 93 tst.b r9 e57a: 15 24 jz $+44 ;abs 0xe5a6 e57c: 08 4a mov r10, r8 e57e: 18 83 dec r8 e580: 18 53 inc r8 e582: c8 93 00 00 tst.b 0(r8) ;0x0000(r8) e586: fc 23 jnz $-6 ;abs 0xe580 e588: 08 8a sub r10, r8 e58a: 6f 4b mov.b @r11, r15 e58c: 1b 53 inc r11 e58e: 4f 93 tst.b r15 e590: 0c 24 jz $+26 ;abs 0xe5aa e592: 4f 99 cmp.b r9, r15 e594: fa 23 jnz $-10 ;abs 0xe58a e596: 0d 48 mov r8, r13 e598: 0e 4a mov r10, r14 e59a: 0f 4b mov r11, r15 e59c: b0 12 b6 e5 call #0xe5b6 e5a0: 0f 93 tst r15 e5a2: f3 23 jnz $-24 ;abs 0xe58a e5a4: 3b 53 add #-1, r11 ;r3 As==11 e5a6: 0f 4b mov r11, r15 e5a8: 01 3c jmp $+4 ;abs 0xe5ac e5aa: 0f 43 clr r15 e5ac: 38 41 pop r8 e5ae: 39 41 pop r9 e5b0: 3a 41 pop r10 e5b2: 3b 41 pop r11 e5b4: 30 41 ret 0000e5b6 : e5b6: 0b 12 push r11 e5b8: 0b 4f mov r15, r11 e5ba: 0d 93 tst r13 e5bc: 02 20 jnz $+6 ;abs 0xe5c2 e5be: 0d 43 clr r13 e5c0: 0f 3c jmp $+32 ;abs 0xe5e0 e5c2: 6f 4e mov.b @r14, r15 e5c4: 1e 53 inc r14 e5c6: 6c 4b mov.b @r11, r12 e5c8: 4c 9f cmp.b r15, r12 e5ca: 06 20 jnz $+14 ;abs 0xe5d8 e5cc: 1b 53 inc r11 e5ce: 4c 93 tst.b r12 e5d0: f6 27 jz $-18 ;abs 0xe5be e5d2: 3d 53 add #-1, r13 ;r3 As==11 e5d4: f6 23 jnz $-18 ;abs 0xe5c2 e5d6: f3 3f jmp $-24 ;abs 0xe5be e5d8: 4d 4c mov.b r12, r13 e5da: 5f 4e ff ff mov.b -1(r14),r15 ;0xffff(r14) e5de: 0d 8f sub r15, r13 e5e0: 0f 4d mov r13, r15 e5e2: 3b 41 pop r11 e5e4: 30 41 ret 0000e5e6 <__stop_progExec__>: e5e6: ff 3f jmp $+0 ;abs 0xe5e6 Disassembly of section .vectors: 0000ffe0 : ffe0: 30 e0 30 e0 46 e0 30 e0 30 e0 30 e0 30 e0 36 e0 0.0.F. fff0: 30 e0 30 e0 30 e0 30 e0 30 e0 30 e0 30 e0 00 e0